Causal Determinism

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Causal Determinism (also called physical determinism) is the belief that if we know everything about the state of the universe at one instant then we can accurately predict everything about the universe in the future. There are other technical meanings of the term determinism, but unless I say otherwise then when I say determinism I mean causal determinism.

Quantum mechanics has undermined the idea of absolute determinism. It introduces theoretical limits on our knowledge of the universe and replaces certainty of outcome with probabilities. Not so much God playing dice with the universe as the universe being generated by ever-rolling dice. This I call stochastic determinism.

When I refer to "determinism" I include both absolute and stochastic unless otherwise stated.

Determinism - whether absolute or stochastic - is incompatible with free will (I disagree with the compatibilists who think otherwise). So how do we reconcile free will with the scientific, physical view of the universe?

There would seem to be only two possibilities: either postulate something outside of the physical universe (dualism) or modify our view of science (perhaps by treating the laws of science as being ceteris paribus and/or jettisoning strict causality).